I’m so glad you found my home on the internet.  Yes, you read that right – I consider sheventuresnow.com to be my main online property where I empower millennial professional women to make quantum leaps in personal change.  And I strongly believe you’re going to love what you find here.  So I hope you stay awhile…

Now I know we just met, but…. Let me know if any of this resonates with you:

  • You DEEPLY long to do work that makes you feel alive or at least uses your hidden strengths. You imagine yourself going to bed Sunday night with no anxiety, but peace about the upcoming work week.  You can see yourself waking up in the morning, not hitting the snooze button, because you have no dread for Monday mornings – you’re excited about the day’s work tasks; and finally, at brunches, you’re confident in talking about your work life because it’s exactly in alignment with your purpose, creativity, talents, hidden skills, or passions.   (Because let’s be real,  to brunch is life, right?)
  • As a single woman, you would LOVE to finally be in a committed relationship or at least harness the collateral beauty of making the most of your single years. You see yourself being married one day with children and having a home that reflects your values, your love language, and your family goals. And while you’re waiting, you find yourself thinking “I want to live a lifestyle of happiness, beauty, and attracting all that God has for me NOW.”


  • You’re feeling stuck in your professional  life. It’s like you stalled on the road of work and are not sure how to switch into another gear.  And you’re wondering “Is there another gear?”  The stress is surfacing in your life. And though you try to hide it. It’s there. And it’s real.
  • You’ve noticed a recurring pattern of feeling confused and disappointed about love/romance. And all of these emotions make you feel unsure of yourself. And now you’re finding life to be like scenes from the movie Groundhog Day — every week and month is the same ol’ same ol’.  (Which is strange because you’re confidence was high several years ago and people came to you for advice.)
  • You hate to admit it, but you really struggle with procrastination. And you have a hard time facing the facts about your self-sabotage.  You want to get out of the cycle of stepping on your own toes, but you don’t know how.
  • And in general, you feel like you haven’t progressed in specific areas you said you wanted to. You have this persistent feeling that you’re constantly supporting other people’s dreams, other people’s businesses, or your friends’ passions, but your own dreams lie fallow, with no progress.
    You know it’s time to go to the “next level” but don’t know how to do less, to do more. (Again, you’re not sure how to make the changes you need).

Okay, I’m done “reading your mail” for now.  But was I right? (Be real or be fake real lol). You’re probably like Ice Cube and Chris Tucker from the movie Friday “Daaaaaaannng”  (How did she know what I was going through?).   If you’re still reading this page, then I hope I haven’t made you feel too uncomfortable.

Now I’m not a mind-reader, but I have walked miles in your shoes. If you’re going through any of the above, know that I was going through ALL of the same things a few years ago.


This is why I started She Ventures Now.  After graduating college, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life and always made decisions based on going with the flow of short-term, economic goals.  I thought if I just prayed about life, things will magically fall into place.  I tried multiple career paths – teaching, nursing, and healthcare administration. And I heavily invested in seeing my friends’ dreams flourish, encouraging and consulting them with their passion (…because I loved to + that’s what good friends do, right?).  But after few emotional meltdowns and spinning my wheels in confusion in 2012, I decided I was going to get my life together.  But I didn’t exactly know how.

Shortly after my anxiety hit the roof, I ended up reading a book a friend recommended me called 48 Days to the Work you Love.  The book doesn’t make any claims at being novel, but there was one part that stopped me dead in my tracks. In an excerpt within the fifth chapter, author Dan Miller, gives the three main steps one needs to take in order to find work they love.

Every week while working my mind-numbing cubicle job, I worked through his material and took action to find work that I loved….I came to realize coaching others towards their dreams was what I was wired to do.  I immediately started my own site, coordinated workshops to help people change their career, and opened up personal coaching services for those who had creative interests or were starting businesses and needing help.  But then something happened…

After 2 years of working full-time and getting my side-hustle up, my dear grandmother passed away. Her passing crushed me.  Grieving with family helped and it allowed me the space to process life in a new way.   You see, while grieving, I had realized there were things I wanted out of life – things I wanted my grandmother to be around to see –  but still was hesitating on because I allowed other people’s agendas, expectations, and self-doubt to get in the way.  I realized that life will literally pass you by if you don’t seize the day.  And so began the building of a brand I coined as She Ventures Now. I wanted to capture my journey and share the lessons I’ve learned about leveling up as a millennial professional woman who is navigating singleness, career development, and entrepreneurship.


Over the years, I’ve invested in the study of professional coaching, positive psychology, and the hang-ups of millennial women.  I started a podcast to share my own journey of redesigning my life, surveyed over 50 single women, interviewed a handful to record their insights, and have listened to the lessons learned by millennial entrepreneurs.  And I’ve developed a refined approach on career change, emotionally healthy singleness, and starting a business from scratch.

I now provide a small boutique of services for millennial professional women to level up in their careers (to find work you actually thrive in and love), their love life (for single women to learn the secrets to enjoying their time alone and attracting love in their life), and their business ideas (to actually set up shop to serve people in the way you want).   I provide free resources, toolkits, group coaching services, and online courses for millennials to get what they need and make quantum leaps towards their goals.

As a professionally trained coach, I am convinced that no matter where you are you can predict the future by creating it.  This is your God-given ability. It’s your venture. What I do is act as a your kick-starter, helping you get over the procrastination, self-sabotage, and confusion in the beginning.

So what’s your venture? 

Choose any option below to see how I can help.


Be awesome,

Millennial Women’s Coach
Founder of SheVenturesNow.com
Host of She Ventures Now Podcast


P.S. You can always schedule a call to talk through your situation and needs.

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